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Another German Word for Bong (Waterpipe in which you smoke pot).

"Gib mal den Blubber, ich will n Kopf rauchen" ->
"Pass me the Bong, I wanna smoke a head"

by Kerl_Kerlsen April 9, 2007

25👍 67👎


Huesch is a German word that has no real meaning. It's just an expression of mind diahrrea. You can say it to confuse others.

"Entschuldigen Sie bitte?" - "Ja?" - "Huesch!!!" -> (total confusion occurs)

Translated: "Excuse me?" - "Yes?" - "Huesch!!!"

by Kerl_Kerlsen April 9, 2007


German synonym for Joint/Spliff. A Cigarette with Marijuana or Hash.
Directly translated Sportzigarette means "Sport cigarette"

"Gib mir mal die Sportzigarette Alter" ->
"Pass the Joint Dude"

by Kerl_Kerlsen April 9, 2007

32👍 1👎