Source Code

katy cornered

A chair placed inthe corner of the room, facing outwards diagonally. Derbyshire (UK) dialect

"Go sit in that katy cornered chair"

by KerrAvon October 10, 2003

13👍 7👎

dog shelf

The floor

"get on the dog shelf where you belong"

by KerrAvon October 10, 2003

21👍 3👎


lots of

"he's got sex appeal in spades"

by KerrAvon October 10, 2003

174👍 127👎


Short for "bull shit", or "bull crap", meaning rubbish

"That's complete bull, that is"

by KerrAvon October 10, 2003

875👍 342👎


Being either afraid of the cold or feeling the cold a lot. Used across the Midlands of England and the north

"You nesh git, you don't need a coat."

by KerrAvon October 10, 2003

920👍 256👎