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A condition usually bought on by three circumstances, lack of sleep, intoxication, or intense boredom, or a combination of these variables, where a person is forced to attempt to remain focused by using only one eye, while the other eye rests and refuses to operate. The one eye is often used to focus visually on things, i.e. mobile phone after too many drinks, but in most cases, i.e. in the workplace, the eye takes in very little information. The condition can commonly be seen in intensely meaningless and boring work meetings, and when highly intoxicated people must concentrate when they are placed on a long bus journey or in a cinema, after a big, tiresome night after a few hours of getting their drank on.

Work conversation via email:

Kev - Bro, I'm so tired at work, it's insane. I cannot focus!

Just - Yeah man, I feel you! I'm so messed up from last night, I'm totally one-eyeing right now!

Kev - Lol! Me too brother! I'm totally one-eyeing my screen and taking nothing in!

Baby Milo - Sh*t is craaaaazy!

by KevJo October 13, 2009