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something that God put on this world to open up a mental gateway and help us better understand what the real purpose and meaning of life is, but is used by few due to the fact that the fuckin government makes it out to be a bad thing and therefore illegalized it

adam and eve probably first discovered God after eating the shrooms he conveniently placed in the garden. what the fuck does that tell you??

by Khronic March 12, 2006

2793πŸ‘ 1473πŸ‘Ž

North Carolina

the tightest fuckin state ever. home to some killa-ass weed

i went back to North Carolina this summer and got high as a mufucka

by Khronic March 12, 2006

294πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž


a movie about a bus that will blow up if it goes below 50mph; a type of drug that i wanna try

man i took that speed last night, shit fucked me up

by Khronic March 12, 2006

45πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž


a cigar that is partially or fully emptied out and refilled with ganja

pass the blunt, muthafucka.

by Khronic March 13, 2006

98πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


A town in North Carolina full of rednecks and drug dealers that is tight as hell.

Carthage is the shit, bitch

by Khronic March 12, 2006

16πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Flyin Right Naa!

A phrase first quoted by UK Rapper 'Bugzy Malone'
Someone who stands out from the crowd
Being cocky, confident and proud
Not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks.

Khuram: yo its peak what happened in manny yano
Bugzy: fuck it, we the home of the brave, we flyin right naa!

by Khronic May 31, 2017


dick cheese that forms when you dont take a shower

schmegma is fuckin nasty

by Khronic March 12, 2006

216πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž