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The protagonist of his movies, Bambi and Bambi 2 He is a deer and he is a bean.

Bambi's so cute!

by KiiboBestRobotBoi July 9, 2021


Someone who dresses and acts zesty.

“Look at Aaron! He’s such a hoeboy!”

by KiiboBestRobotBoi February 11, 2023

School Lunch

Prison food that's nowhere near nutritious. It comprises of:

Overcooked tater tots
Dry chicken sandwiches
Dry burgers that taste like melted rubber between two pieces of wet cardboard
Dry spaghetti with the same gross tomato sauce
Salad that looks like it was taken from plants
Old apple juice and 3 week expired milk

Ugh, the school lunch tastes nowhere near nutritious.

by KiiboBestRobotBoi June 18, 2021

School Lunch

Prison food. It comprises of:
Overcooked tater tots
Burgers that taste like melted rubber between two pieces of wet cardboard
Salad that looks like it was taken from plants and other abandoned, dirty gardens
Old apple juice
3 week expired milk
Disgusting wiggly french fries
Moldy potato skin and expired butter
And desserts that are crap, like
Melted ice cream sandwiches
Old cake
Cupcakes that look like crap.
Old bread.

I hate school lunch.

by KiiboBestRobotBoi June 20, 2021

School Breakfast

Rat poison in the morning. Consists of:
Ugly looking pancakes
Mini waffles that are actually edible
Apple juice that looks like kid friendly beer with apple flavoring.
Milk right before its expiration date.

I'd eat McDonalds breakfast rather than school breakfast.

by KiiboBestRobotBoi November 13, 2021

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Hell on Earth that resembles a fucking federal prison.

I hate school so much!

by KiiboBestRobotBoi August 25, 2021



I hate school.

by KiiboBestRobotBoi September 8, 2023