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A girl that looks like a guy, or a guy that looks like a girl.

Carlos: Hey, Eddie! you see that girl over there?

Eddie: Nah, bro, that's a guy.

Carlos: Nuh!

Eddie: That might be a Casey.

by Killercoke2 August 8, 2019

3👍 1👎

Burger Bouncer

A person who or plans to order a burger at the last minute.

It's 1 minute before closing time, and this burger bouncer came in!

by Killercoke2 August 10, 2019


A vanilla flavored salmon.

Chef Ramsay: This salmon tastes like f***ing vanilla! Do you have salmonilla?

by Killercoke2 August 8, 2019

Case Of Dildo

Quesadilla auto corrected by a phone.

Hey, I just had the best case of dildo last night!

by Killercoke2 August 10, 2019


When someone does not want to talk on a microphone.

My girlfriend doesn't want to talk on mic, she has microphobia.

by Killercoke2 May 1, 2016


The sexiest woman to be alive.

Damn, she's a fine ass cheerleader.

by Killercoke2 August 8, 2019


A word used by a student that just graduated from college but has no experience on the workforce.

James: The batteries on my radio died.

Alex: I believe that problem is intermittent.

*James replaced old batteries*

James: Good as new!

by Killercoke2 March 3, 2023