Source Code


Old people who walk VERY slow.

Maybe I could get outta this place if these damn turtles whold step up the pace!

by Kim and Kathy June 28, 2003

7👍 23👎


1. Not coming or going; no direction; carefree
2. Hanging out with your homies; you're tight, together- gummin

1. "What are your plans for tonight baby?" "Ah, I just gonna be gummin, no plans"
2. Tonight my dawgs and i are just gonna gum out"

by Kim and Kathy June 13, 2003

10👍 6👎


A mother fuckin drinkin fountain

Can i have a pass to use the bubbler?

by Kim and Kathy June 28, 2003

48👍 63👎


Ignorant People

ALl these rich punk rock punks are being iggies towards the art of black music today

by Kim and Kathy June 28, 2003

37👍 20👎

fo rizzle

"for real"

"Dude, I used to be a woman!" "Fo rizzle?" "fo sho"

by Kim and Kathy June 13, 2003

94👍 12👎

jesus lover

1. A christian
esp. a fanatical or ignorant one.

Damn jesus lovin bumper stickers. I aint goin to ya Jesus Lovin church you stinkin Jesus Lover!

by Kim and Kathy June 28, 2003

44👍 129👎