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St. Francis

A school in the Los Angeles area. It has some weirdos and douchebags. Besides that the students are all bros. The sports teams are all very good(I`m not saying we`re the best at every sport, but they are very good) They have excellent theater programs, food(especially the breakfast burritos which I can write a page about) We strive to do good and show respect for everyone, We are good sports and our teachers are funny and great. We have stellar football games. Kids from all over LA come to school here. I`m not saying we are better than any other school in everything, but we are pretty top tier.

Girl : I`m not to Loyola`s dance tonight!

Saint Francis boy: have fun!

Girl: thanks!

later that week

SF boy: how was the dance?

Girl: it sucked, all the guys pictured us as objects and they were practically having sex with us with their clothes on!

SF boy: I`m sorry

Girl: it`s fine

Loyola boy: so are you coming to the SF dance

Girl: yeah

Loyola boy: why! those dudes are fags!

Girl: well at least those "fags" know how to treat a girl properly!

Loyola boy: whatever bitch I`ll just find another girl to try to get into her pants, I hate St. Francis!

by Kingofthewest September 28, 2011

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