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Zombo yashik

Zombo means here connection with zombies and dumbing, hypnotised. Yashik is conversational word for "TV setbox" ,just "box". In Russia, people call the TV Box as "Zomboyashik" when want to say that if you watch tv much time, you became stupid person, because the shows are very dumb there and like only for fools.

Parents like to say to their kids to power off the TV Set with such name of the TV Box.

- Hey, son, enough to watch TV!! Go read books, be clever boy! Turn off this Zombo yashik!

by KlausBorski October 21, 2020

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Runglish veil word for never ending drink time. The person who said it means that 'just one more but last time lets drink and that's all, everybody go home", but in fact 'posashock' will be repeated for many times.

Posashock always appears when somebody says 'ok, it's too late i have go home'

- OMG,its too late, i have to go...tommorow i have to be cheerful, coz the day next is very busy and important
-Ok, Brandon,OKAAAY....but befor you go lets drink for posashock?
-Ok, just only for posashock...
1 hour later:
- Oh, i go home, i'm sick of drinking....i would be dead tommorow...mama mia
-Ok, Brandon, i agree: u have go home...before you go let's drink last time for posashock..
-Ok, only for posashock....
1 hour later....the same))

by KlausBorski December 7, 2020

full sex ass

in pronuncation seems like "full success" , but means the same via the size of the ass

- Gina became lead manager of the project
- Wow! I am suprised, she have no any degree at all!
- But she is full SEX ASS!
Gina's entering ans ask:
- What about my ass talking?
- NO,Gina, I've meant "full success"
- Ahh,))))sorryy))))

by KlausBorski October 22, 2020

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came from russian "govna kusok" that equals 'piece of shit', and the mix varian is 'govnopiece"

- Alice? who the fuck is Alice?
-the govnopiece...i mean the piece of shit

by KlausBorski December 17, 2020


literal translation from russian is "rubbish","trash" and ect. but in people's vocalbulary moosore is a cop of bad manners, petty and corrupt.

- Have u heard smth about Owen?
- What u mean?
- He's working as cop since graduated the school
- he is not a cop, he is bad immoral moosore!

by KlausBorski October 22, 2020

a landan is da capital of Great Britain

In the postUSSRic countries this phrase show that the pronuncator of it is "intrested in learning of english, modern and up-to-date person, very educated and so on". But in reality it shows that person is just wanna image like this but have no power to work and study hard, but just say this words he thinks that make him educational and clever in eyes of environment

- Moi sin svobodno govorit po angliski...Sinok, nu-ka skaji jto-nebudz? translate:My son speaks english fluently. Hey, son, say something in english??
- a landan is da capital of Great Britain!
-OHO! TOCHNO KAK ANGLICHANIN GOVORIT! translate:Wow, he speaks like english is his mother tongue!

by KlausBorski October 21, 2020

Tea, Coffee, Let's dance?

the USSRic phrase the proposal to the girl to meet the evening together, to friend closer, not hint the sex (but someone maybe kept in mind).

Tea or Coffee is the main variants of decorous drinking, and that means that decorous girl get all the variants and the result of proposal are maximun variable, maximum successfull. "lets dance" is the variant of decorous closeness

- Hey, Jane, what r u doing after classes?
- i dont know...nothing
- come to me?
- Tea, coffee, let's dance?
-Okay) But know, i am decorous
- I am too...

by KlausBorski October 21, 2020

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