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White Jamal

A goofy-ass lanky-looking mother fucker.

"I didn't think that's what Jamal would look like."
"No, goofy."
"That's just what a White Jamal looks like."

by KookyKrock September 21, 2021

1👍 2👎

Guns Germs and Steel

Guns Germs and Steel is a Pulitzer prize-winning book written by Jared Diamond. You'll most likely study this in grade ten social studies or somewhere in university. It was also turned into a National Geographic special which has a wicked intro, good luck finishing it though.

I own 29 copies of the book "Guns Germs and Steel" This is not a joke, I actually do.

by KookyKrock September 21, 2021


To get farkased.

When you get dissed by a politican and or member of office.

In reference to the 2021 Calgary mayoral candidate, Jeromy Farkas.

"Hey, I got some starburst....ah man they're all yellow"
"Get Farkased."

by KookyKrock September 21, 2021