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A russian girl, who loves attention, Yulias love to hang around a lot of boys, most Yulias have about 5 different boyfriends a year.

Guy: "K that girl pisses me of"
Guy2: "Why?"
Guy: "She always want attention from guys by flaunting her tits"
Guy2: "Oh what a Yulia!"

by KorDug June 15, 2009

118πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž

ugur boral

BEST soccer player in the world, he plays for Turkiye, he has curly black hair

"UGUR BORAL scorrress!!"

by KorDug March 14, 2009

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hottest Nationality

The hottest people in the world come from the nation of Turkey. They are beautiful people but also very nice.

Man: "Did you see that hot Turkish girl at school today?"

Women: "Did you see that hot Turkish guy at work today?"

Narrarator:"And that is a little conversation about the hottest nationality"

by KorDug March 15, 2009

14πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Natasha Bradley

She is very underrated, not a very famous singer, but she is talented. Being able to sing, dance, and look hot.

"Who's Natasha Bradley and what nationality is she?"

"She's a hot singer but she I don't know about the nationality but she looks like Jamaican, Iraqi mixture.

by KorDug March 14, 2009

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A city in Western Turkey.

"Yo have you ever been to Troy?"

"YES! Turkey is so much better than Greece"

"Say Vallah bro"

by KorDug March 15, 2009

31πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Jasper Place High School

This is a high school located in Edmonton Alberta. Very big school, with a lot of options, freedom, nice and smart people, and funny teachers.

"what school you go to?"

"Jasper Place High School"

by KorDug March 15, 2009

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


People who are never sacred, and will cut your throat if you look at them wrong. Also, they make the best music ever. They are also known for having the best language ever patwa.

Jamaican guy: a wah gwan rude boi.
White guy; pardon me sir.
Jamaican guy; hahaha never mind boi u is jus a butty boi.

by KorDug June 15, 2009

196πŸ‘ 335πŸ‘Ž