Source Code

Rule 131

Rule 131 - If you faggot you are automatically gay (Sincerely a gay person)

Boy - "You are such a faggot!"
Girl - "Rule 131! Congrats on coming out! I'm but what about you?"

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Rule 124

Rule 124 - The permanent invalidation of rules 117, 120, and 125. No exceptions.

Girl - Simply existing, and playing video games.
Boy - "Sorry. Rules 120, and 125."
Girl - "But what about Rule 124?"

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Rule 142

Rule 142 - If a man does ANYTHING to make you uncomfy you have full right to cut off his d!ck, and turn it into an earring.

Boy - *Cat calls some random girl*
Girl - "Haha. You fool. You have forgotten about Rule 142.

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Rule 139

Rule 139 - All Trump supporters have D.A.P (Dry Ass Pussy)

Female Trumpie - "Trump will always be my president!"
Educated person - "I can smell your D.A.P from here bitch. Don't forget rule 139."

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Rule 151

Rule 151 - If you try to validate Brendon Urie (The sexual assault he put kids through) anyone can legally spit on you.

Random Person - The cases haven't been confirmed!
Random Person 2 - "Rule 151..."

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Rule 148

Rule 148 - If you're an MHA/BNHA (My Hero Academia/ Boku No Hero Academia) fan under the age of 13 you are invalid.

Young BNHA fan - "UwU Deku x All Might is my favorite ship! Uraraka is such a baka! She gets in the way of my UwU Rat boi ships."
Educated person. "Rule 148... Jesus Christ dude."

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

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Rule 137

Rule 137 - The invalidation of the last rule. Aka Rule 136.

Boy - "Here I got you this drink!"
Girl - "Oh. No thank you."
Boy - "Rule 136"
Girl - "Rule 137, bitch."

by Kurapikas_Property January 1, 2021

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