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A person who takes about a billion pictures of themselves in every single angle imaginable.

Usually, most teen sluts with there little cameras take pictures of themselves with them looking away from the camera and there mouths wide open waiting to receive cock.

Also, the famous "myspace" scene shot. When you stand infront of a mirror, looking like a complete fag.. and taking a picture.

Christ... drop the camera and get a life.

Man that chick is so scene! Fuck, god damn look at her myspace she has about 10000 pictues of herself!

by Kylowned May 27, 2006

13πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

concrete powder

A skateboarding magazine created by the famous skateboaring company "West 49"

Kyle: Hey Dylan, did you pick up the concrete powder magazine at West 49?
Dylan: Yeah! It's real good!

by Kylowned June 25, 2005

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1. A singer/band full of lesbo's with butch looks and consists of complete butch music and overall butchness.

2. Any scene butch that acts all hXc but is really.. bXc..

3. A response to someone when you have nothing better to say

1. Melissa Ethridge is butchcore Mcgee

2. There's this bXc kid in my hallway

3. Dylan: I like fucking cats

by Kylowned April 27, 2007

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A very attractive woman usually with a nice ass, which in fact you would tap, which makes her tapworthy.

Kyle: damnnnnnnn see that chick down there?
Dylan: so tapworthy!

by Kylowned April 28, 2007

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

whore mob

A group of sluttly whores wearing the sluttiest clothes ever and who think they're all that and pick on other girls.

Oh crap here comes the whore mob.

by Kylowned June 9, 2005

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Pretty self-explanatory

.. For the less knowledgable ones, it is the act of burning a jew whether in a oven or tied around a wooden pole.

Dave: I just pwned that jewbake

by Kylowned August 27, 2006

17πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Emotional Kid

Emotional Kid AKA "Emo" or "Emo Kid".

One who rejects "pop culture" and joins the counter-culture realm. Usually has ideas contrary to popular opinion and seeks to gain a better understanding of life through artistic venues. May appear depressed, have black or red hair, and dress in a way that is contrary to what is popular. Thrift stores, art, coffee shops, underground music, and poetry are usually of great interest. Contrary to popular opinion, though an emo kid may seem depressed, within their own group there is an element of deep understanding and friendship. Emo kids see the world as beautiful, but its inhabitants as lost and depressing.
That good will shirt is so emo.

(Courtesy of "Artsy.not.emo" from the original definition of "Emo Kid")

Dylan: Are you an emotional kid?
Kyle: Yes.

by Kylowned June 25, 2005

37πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž