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Crackheads that are usually homeless that harass people. This term is used a lot in the Midwest especially in Springfield Missouri.

Watch out for that boogan by Kum and Go, he’ll take your bike.

by L8ersk8er December 15, 2019

142👍 3👎

Non-sexual dominance

The way someone treats their significant other in powerful but not degrading way. This act is seen as endearing.
Non-sexual dominance is so cute-
“Come here, baby”
“Let me help you”
“Be careful”
“Come lay here, princess”
“Sit on my lap, kitten”
“Hold my hand while we’re out”
“Come cuddle”

He uses a lot of non-sexual dominance phrases when he speaks to his girlfriend.

by L8ersk8er December 26, 2019

40👍 8👎