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When someone looks up their name on Urban dictionary and are all like "Soooo true!!"
They then go on to show their friends who then scroll down the page, and laugh that some person defined it as "An angry lesbian." If male, the subject of the taunt will then say "I guess technically i'm a lesbian..." in order to confirm his heterosexuality!

Person 1: Guys look at my name! it says "GOD, DESTROYER OF WORLDS!" Sooo true!!!
Person 2: *Scrolls down* But it says here that your gay....
Person 1: *Scrolls further down* HA! Says "Has gay friends!"
Person 2: Fuck Urban-nomenclature!

by LShockley April 14, 2015

more like Jar Jar

When an idea or something else is so stupid, that it drops to the level of Jar Jar Binks. Props be deserved if you have the cojones to actually say it though.

Writer: Ok.. So we get Will Smith and his son... And they crash on an alien planet with fake british accents... And this planet tries to kill them.... But that planet is actually Earth!
Logical person: *Thinks* More like Jar Jar!

Had logical person been brave, this world would have been spared another atrocity.
Another example:

Writer: So it's a remake of Annie... BUT SHE"S NOT A GINGER!
Everyone: *Thinks* More like Jar Jar!
Guy: *Says* More like Jar Jar! that is a horrible idea. Just keep annie on broadway!
Everyone: That's Racist!

The moral being "Speak up if it's clearly a bad idea!"

by LShockley April 15, 2015

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