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American Idol

Entertainment for people with no lives.

The only two good things about American Idol are Simon Cowell (hot) and Constantine Maroulis (hotter).

by Lady Pain March 8, 2005

78πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

simple plan

Five Canadian guys who can't seem to sing about anything except their daddies ignoring them.

Did you hear the new Simple Plan song? It's about their daddies ignoring them! Who would've guessed?!

by Lady Pain March 1, 2005

745πŸ‘ 654πŸ‘Ž

fox news

Completely and utterly without merit. A news station that not only presents the most wildly conservative of biases with the slogan "Fair and Balanced," but also presents worse television than Jerry Springer. I am NOT watching the news to see Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly scream "SHUT UP!" at every single guest they have.

The usual transcript of The O'Reilly Factor:
O'Reilly: Today, America, we're here with Al Franken and Alan Colmes. I don't have backup because I'm a pompous idiot who thinks I own the world.
Franken: You got the first part right.
Colmes: *giggle*
O'Reilly: Shut up, both of you. Now, onto our discussion. Today we are presenting the fact that all Muslims are evil.
Colmes: No, Bill, you can't--
O'Reilly: Shut up! It's--
Franken: Bill, that's wrong because--
O'Reilly: Shut up, shut up!
Franken: You're being completely unreasonable, and if you'll listen, I'll tell you why! It's not po--
O'Reilly: SHUT UP!
Colmes: God, this sucks. *walks off set*
O'Reilly: One less opponent for me.
Franken: Now do I get a chance to prove my point?
O'Reilly: No, we're going to a commercial.
Franken: No, we can't go to a commercial because you presented a completely innacurate stereotype and are attacking one of the most--
O'Reilly: SHUT UP NOW, YOU IDIOT! You're wrong, I'm right, what more is there to say?!
Franken: NO! We CANNOT go to a COMMERCIAL because--

by Lady Pain March 8, 2005

2691πŸ‘ 1142πŸ‘Ž

Johnny Rotten

Disturbingly hot lead singer for the Sex Pistols and Public Image Ltd. Wrote songs for the Sex Pistols (highlight: "Bodies", describing an abortion) and PiL. Also penned "No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs", an autobiographical work with two writers whose names I can't seem to remember.

Johnny Rotten is sexier than you.

by Lady Pain February 23, 2005

294πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

Sex Pistols

Greatest punk band of all time. Fronted by John Lydon/Johnny Rotten, final lineup also consisted of Sid Vicious, Steve Jones, and Paul Cook. Greatest hit was most definitely "Anarchy in the UK", but "Bodies" and "Seventeen", often overlooked, are overall better songs.

The Sex Pistols may not have invented punk, but they redefined it. No future for you.

by Lady Pain February 23, 2005

90πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

bad religion

The best political punk out there. After 25 years, the balding band is still holding their own on the Warped Tour, and Brett Gurewitz is sexier than ever.

Bad Religion is smarter than you.

by Lady Pain March 1, 2005

224πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

your face

A phrase that can be used in absolutely any situation, no matter how average. Derives from your mom.

Person 1: I got an F on this test.
Person 2: YOUR FACE got an F on this test!

Person 1: I saw something scary today.
Person 2: YOUR FACE?!
Person 1: No, actually I saw the boogeyman.
Person 2: YOUR FACE saw the boogeyman!

Person 1: You suck.
Person 2: So do you.
Person 1: Well...your mom.
Person 2: Your face!
Person 1: Your mom's face!

by Lady Pain March 4, 2005

56πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž