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The most important of the bodily fluids. Made up of red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body and waste away from the cells of the body. Also made up of white blood cells which attack and destroy viruses and diseases, protecting the body from infection and illness. White blood cells and platelets (which aid in the healing of wounds) are found in the plasma of the blood.

Blood isn't just a gang and a fluid. It is much more than that. It has a mystical connotation that has lasted through the ages and has been considered an elixer of life. Truly, blood is life for without it life would cease to exist.

It makes up 7% of the body's weight and helps maintain a healthy body tempurature. In order for the red blood cells to carry oxygen effectively, a steady supply of iron is needed. A lack of iron in the body results in a illness called Anemia.

If the slightest thing is wrong with your blood it will affect your whole body, bringing illness or even death.

She lost too much blood and needed a transfusion.

Why is she so pale and tired?
She has Anemia, and needs more iron in her diet so her blood can carry oxygen better.

Blood is so important to the body, no wonder it is thought that vampires lived forever by consuming the blood of others. It is said to be the life force of humans.

by LadyAilith August 20, 2008

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