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Sebastian Squire

A white boy who resides in Northern California who is thought by historians to be a reincarnation of Nazi Führer Adolf Hitler. Sebastian has been accused of perpetuating the Holocaust and promoting the superiority of the Aryan race.

Hans: "Der Führer, Heil Sebastian Squire!"

by LargeAndi March 6, 2019

4👍 1👎

Eric Wickboldt

A verb describing a godly sex maneuver in which one begins to glow with a heavenly aura, very similar to world famous pornstar Eric Wickboldt.

John: "Bro, I Eric Wickboldted my girl in the ass last night"

by LargeAndi March 5, 2019

Joey Gillette

Joey Gillette

Joey Gillette is a young pure aryan known by most as the dreaded food thief. Reportedly, Joey uses the position of power afforded to him by his mother to rape and murder his peers, only to steal their bagels.

Nathan: Lock your doors tonight, I heard Joey Gillette just escaped from prison!

Eric: Oh shoot! I don't want to get raped in the ass tonight! Thanks for the heads up Nathan!

by LargeAndi May 16, 2019

Joey Gillette

Joey Gillette

Joey Gillette is a young pure aryan known by most as the dreaded food thief. Reportedly, Joey uses the position of power afforded to him by his mother to rape and murder his peers, only to steal their bagels.

Nathan: Lock your doors tonight, I heard Joey Gillette just escaped from prison!

Eric: Oh shoot! I don't want to get raped in the ass tonight! Thanks for the heads up Nathan!

by LargeAndi May 16, 2019

Nathan Walker

A young boy with a big ole' dick who frequently roams around the lands of Israel protecting Benjamin Netanyahu (see Eric Wickboldt) and eating Palestinian women and children.

Palestinian #1: On Allah, I pray that Nathan Walker does not eat my wife tonight.

Palestinian #2: Of course my friend. Praise be to Allah.

by LargeAndi May 15, 2019