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single parent deal

When a person is able to date/marry somebody who would normally be way out of their league, because they don't care that the person has children. Single parents are often desperate to find somebody who does not mind being around their kids, and therefore will lower their standards for a potential romantic partner.

Seth: "Woah, is that really Jason's new girlfriend?"

Larry: "Yeah."

Seth: "She's gorgeous! And I heard that she got promoted at her job and pretty decent money now. What i she doing with him?"

Larry: "She says that he's great with her kids. He got the single parent deal."

by Lavender12 May 18, 2015

soccer mom crisis

An annoyance or small problem that somebody is ridiculously treating as a major problem. It is based on stereotypical soccer mom women. They are often pampered upper-middle-class types who expect everything to go their way, and cannot handle even a small matter that is out of their control.

When Emily shouted at the Starbucks baristas for being out of sugar-free vanilla syrup, her embarrassed boyfriend told her to calm down and quit having a soccer mom crisis.

by Lavender12 July 2, 2015

city boy's small town

A large town or small city with a population between about 6,000 and 30,000. Such an area is often called a "small town", inaccurately, by people from much bigger cities. A resident of a true small town knows that "small" means having fewer than five restaurants and socializing in the only grocery store's parking lot.

William: "This small town doesn't have Olive Garden, there is only one Starbucks, and the mall is only one level!"

Chris: "You're in a city boy's small town. Where I'm from, girls put on makeup and fix their hair before going to Waffle House."

by Lavender12 June 15, 2015

phone in

When a person's heart and concentration are not really in the present moment or activity. They are detached and distant.

As Jane kept glancing at the clock on restaurant's wall and looking at the front door, Seth wondered what was causing her to phone in to their date.

by Lavender12 January 18, 2016

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