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spit game

Spitting game is talking to a girl so as to reach your own particular goal that you have in mind with her. To better understand the term "spitting game," it can be viewed this way; getting girls and talking to them is "the game," and there are "playas" in the game. Spitting game therefore means that the guy is "spitting" (because talking comes from the mouth obviously) "the game."

Guy: "Hey, how you doing? I'm (____)
Girl: "Hi, I'm fine, I'm (____)
Guy: "You having a good time tonight?"
Girl: "It's been o.k."
Guy: "Yeah it's been alright for me to, but I'm having a good time now that I'm talking to you."

And so on and so forth...that is how you spit game

by Lavon June 24, 2006

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