Source Code

Iron Butt

The Iron Butt is a large device, used as a replacement of one's butt. It is a large gray and dark blue machine with many wires, gears, pipes, lights, and other things sticking out of it. Concept-wise, it is a machine that doctors use in Bikini Bottom if a patient's butt is severely injured.

The Iron Butt is a parody of a device called the "Iron Lung," which was used for breathing problems because of Polio and Botulism.

“One more injury like that and you could wind up like that poor creature there, in the Iron Butt.”

“Oh man, it itches!”

by LawrenceMK2 June 4, 2021


1. the art of pretending to be a noble gas

2. an agonizing high school class designed to teach students about definition 1

1. I'm going to do some chemistry.

2. I failed chemistry.

by LawrenceMK2 December 2, 2020

20👍 2👎


A person who is trained in the Dark side of the Force. Can be seen doing evil stuff and generally uses a red lightsaber.

The Sith Code:
Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power I gain victory.
Through victory my chains are broken.
The Force shall set me free.

The chancellor is a Sith!

by LawrenceMK2 October 29, 2019

14👍 1👎


What did you expect to find here?

I borrowed the time machine from the guy who wrote the definition for 2034 and took note of important events.

On November 7 of the year 2054, the lease agreement International Speedway Corporation has with Daytona Beach Racing and Recreational Facilities District will expire.

Earth and Mars will collide shortly afterward.

by LawrenceMK2 March 30, 2021


Fighting with swords, you horn dogs!

The two warriors were engaged in a vicious swordfight.

by LawrenceMK2 October 16, 2020

54👍 7👎

Premarital Handholding


Premarital handholding is the most degenerate and sinful act one can commit.

by LawrenceMK2 April 14, 2022

23👍 1👎


How did we get here? I know, you're at school, you're horny, all the good sites are blocked, but searching this up on Urban Dictionary of all places? Really?

Don't search up blowjob on Urban Dictionary.

by LawrenceMK2 November 11, 2020

828👍 123👎