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your shit

1} A divorce terminology mostly used by an ex, or soon to be ex-wife. Refers to a little tiny small pile of "your shit." Usually clothes and/or pictures spread sporadically upon the front lawn or in a box of "your shit." In some cases it is found to be accompanied along some things you didn't think that you owned. FIRST would be Anal Lube with a little pretty bow on it. SECOND would be a small metal object, also with a cute little pretty bow on it, called a nail clipper. So that you won't scratch your ankles when you grab them to take it up the ass by her lawyer. And THIRD would be a key to a post office box set up in your name only, that when you check it, find it full of bills ... the kind that need to be paid ... not the ones with dead presidents on them.

2} What is left on the end of her lawyers schlong from you.

3} Something said when you find your key doesn't fit in the door anymore.

4} Also denoted in the song from Beyonce.

1} Dear John ... here is your shit ... and, some gifts.
Jane Doe

2} You don't call me anymore :(


4} To the left To the left To the left
To the left To the left To the left
Everything you own in the box to the left
In the closet that's my stuff - Yes

by LayItOnYou March 20, 2007

98πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

eat pussy

The proof that you are not what you eat!

Real men eat pussy!

by LayItOnYou March 21, 2007

1648πŸ‘ 698πŸ‘Ž

animal abuser

A sad condition that occurs after pissing off your wife or girlfriend really bad! Case studies show men are most likely to commit animal abuse soon after the "you're cut off" time begins. Effects seems to be acutely focused. Men routinely catagorize themselves in several specific groups. These men are engaging in acts of Spanking The Monkey, Choking The Chicken, Whacking The Weasel, Flogging the Dolphin, and new recent reports demonstrate cross species abuse. Some have now begun to Beat One Eyed Willy, until he finally gets mad and spits on them.

(caller to friend) Dude! I forgot our anniversary ... ... ... again! Third time! What am I going to do?
(friend) ... ... ... ... um, ... ... ... um, ... ...
(caller to friend) Do you have a chicken, or any Sea Monkeys?
(friend) -long pause- Um, Willy want's to know if your OK?
(caller to friend) ... No ... I've become an animal abuser!
(friend) -muffled voice- Willy ... He wants to talk to you.

by LayItOnYou March 18, 2007

75πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

jesus saves!

Something written in the shitter of a bar, to which you find the reply. "Don't write on my bathroom walls and I won't shit in your church"

jesus saves!, wrong, politically uncorrect,jesus, save, saves, wha'd he say?

by LayItOnYou March 21, 2007

34πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

That's Gonna To Leave A Mark

1) - Another Urban Dictionary phrase that that covers a lot of meanings defined by its usage.

2) - An observation of realization toward an observed event by an observer, observing an event.

3) - When something you watch someone do that makes you just grimace in sheer shock and/or dismay and makes you think that person did something stupid or is stupid.

1) - You unknowingly hit on your bosses' wife at the company party .... THAT'S GONNA LEAVE A MARK.

2) - You are live on a special Jerry Springer and you think you are there because you're told that your girl wants a threesome, and you are all excited about it! ... only to find out that she is with HER girlfriend and is dumping YOU on national TV cuz you have a 2 inch pecker!

... That's Gonna Leave A Mark!

You are with your mom, playing dominoes, helping to entertain her friends - cuz you told her as part of your New Years resolution you'd spend more time with her. They all say how sweet it is! And ... she starts the game off by telling everyone the story how you pissed your bed til you were 16 1/2 and sometimes you shit yourself when you get suddenly scared ... ... still to this day! THAT's gonna leave a mark! (NO PUN INTENDED)

You show up at your court date ... stoned off your ass ... THAT'S gonna leave a mark!

You FINALLY! get that date - you know - with the ever so pop girl ...Shelby OnErBak- in your sophomore year - you are about to get a home run and you not only can't get it up ... but it shrinks! THAT'S gonna leave a mark!

You make A FRICKIN' LOT of money at your work and your boss really enjoys suddenly scaring the shit out of you in meetings now and then to get back at you for hitting on his wife at the company party. THAT'S gonna leave a mark! (Pun Intended)

When you find out that the girlfriend of your girl that dumped you on Jerry Spinger on National TV, is your bosses wife from the company party! DOH!

- Or ... You get a bad wound/injury like from a knife or a bitch slap (both fig. and lit.) LMAO!

When Joe got hit by traffic when he was crossing the street in the movie "Meet Joe Black" and you yell, "SHIT! That's gonna to leave a mark!"

What you nonchalauntly say when you see a skateboarders broken cheek bone suddenly shoot thru his flesh after a bad crash ... "Well ... that's gonna leave a mark"

MOST OF ALL ... is when you think you are being as funny as hell, and your word gets denied by the editors of Urban Dictionary.

by LayItOnYou March 24, 2007

56πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

get her home address

A non-literal term, either mental or spoken. Only used for a single man that implies an emotional and physical connection. Used upon seeing a lady during a situation (short or long term) in which you cannot make immediate contact with a woman. An unfinished desire to talk to her, or a desire to demonstrate your attraction to her - such as in a workplace environment, a passing in a store, mall, bus, a business meeting, subway, freeway, or any other qwik and/or continuous passing environment, or perhaps even on TV.
{ie. 7 of 9 ... Star Trek } Call ME or email me Jeri Ryan! I love you!

Denotes the desire to be able to make a connection and relationship with a woman who has been unavailable over a period of time or just for a minute. Could be a teacher or just a girl you know, or don't really know, or someone who always boards the bus at 8'th street and gets off at 10'th street.
A wish to have intimate, close coversation/meeting. An urge to have a more meaningful communication/connection with someone not currently available or approachable. Also means a sexual reference for wanting to have more than just sex with that person. Thugs can skip the part about "to have more than just" part above.
An inward emotion and/or thought that is based on sight and impression of what you believe this person to be. The number one sign of "get her home address" syndrome is when you first saw her you said "GHHA" inside your head right at the same time your knees went weak! And never new it meant
G(et) H(er) H(ome) A(ddress)

Man! I'd love to get her home address! ( Don't forget to email me Jeri Ryan!)

by LayItOnYou March 21, 2007

45πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1) One person of many sprinkled about the face of the Earth by god to test the patience of those who believe in him. Most of which are relatives
or live in your city.

2) A broke person with no job and who you helped out and you gave them a place to sleep and you gave them food and they let your indoor cat out and they smoked your stash and they ate ALL of your food and used the last of your toilet paper and fell asleep in your favorite chair and pissed in it ... ... ... and gets mad when you kick them out but doesn't forget to ask for a ride somewhere.

1) If you are reading this ... you MIGHT be an asshole!

2) Nuff said!

by LayItOnYou March 19, 2007

114πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž