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Acronym for "most influential/important significant other" as this person is your boyfriend/girlfriend that you admire the most and you respect him/her than the rest of your friends and their's mostly. Written as Miso, miso or m.i.s.o. Not be confused with Miso soup - A traditional Japanese soup.

Wow, my miso did well on that English test. I am so impressed of her.

by Lighter_Waterfalls September 21, 2017


A verb to say when someone eats an excessive amount of mint candy. The gerund is overminting. The past tense and past participle is overminted.

Grace: Teacher, Lucy overminted.
Teacher: What does overminted mean?
Grace: Lucy ate a whole bag of mint candy, 20 times of the recommended taking per day.
Teacher: Someone call the doctor!

by Lighter_Waterfalls April 3, 2020


Acronym for "start life unexpectedly great". If your friends are leaving, tell them this in whatever thing that records memories of them or verbally. So, you can encourage them to start life always great with other people.

Steve: Henry, SLUG in Budapest!
Henry: Oh, thank you, my good friend, I'll miss you!

by Lighter_Waterfalls June 6, 2017


A geeky or nerdy word for tool / gear.

Patrick: That smart guy has his apparatus beside him.
Nicholas: That is Samuel's D&D box set.

by Lighter_Waterfalls April 1, 2020

4👍 1👎

City Needs Sleep

A self-explanatory term for a city that needs sleep such as a city that has a nearly empty nightlife or a city that has a virus (or any carriers of disease) infecting numbers of its denizens.

Bob: I just went to Austin, Texas. Man, that city needs sleep.
Luke: I agree man, the disease hits hard on Austin, Texas. There is about a few people infected there.

by Lighter_Waterfalls April 3, 2020


The process of transporting yourself or people around the city or place in a circular direction, no matter it is anticlockwise (counterclockwise for my US buddies) or clockwise.

Rachel: I am going for a cycling circulation around Greater London.
Rachel's Mom: Good luck and be careful!

by Lighter_Waterfalls April 3, 2020

Liberal Aggression

The aggression that derives from new, liberal ideas being advocated or already in law.

Gabriel: Edward, what do you think about alien adoption?
Edward: Dude, that triggers my liberal aggression, we do not know if the aliens are as civilised as we are. Just let the government do all the experiments not us. We are innocent.

by Lighter_Waterfalls April 13, 2020