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Sociopathic definition on one of or a combination of "bored out of my skull," "feeling nostolgic," &/or "that bland sensation you have when you're not laughing or preoccupied."

1) Nothing she found online at her usual entertainment sites was clicking with her. The fails weren't funny & the articles weren;t interesting. Depressed, she pondered whether she should replay a video game or reread a book.

2) She became depressed when she compared modern times to the early 90s, wondering how children growing up with talentless musicians, bland fashions, brain-dead plastic celebrities, & intelligence-frying reality shows would turn out as adults.

3) She was in a funk that day & needed a continuous stream of lulz to life her depression.

by Likalaruku November 2, 2009


Sosiopathic definition is one of or a combination of "too lazy to do anything productive or responsible, but I have to" &/or "time limit."

1)Never having had a job before, she found having to do things for other people at a quick pace to be stressful.

2)When playing Psychonaughts, the sudden difficulty curves in the boss levels thrown in between boughts of lackluster gameplay to be as stressful on her heart as the button mashing was on her fingers.

by Likalaruku November 2, 2009

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