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hard penis

When a penis is fully erect and feels realy hard like a plank of wood.

Renee- "OMG Theo you have an extremely big hard penis! it feels so amazing inside me" Ҙº

by Likeabossbitch May 14, 2016

29πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When someone is having sex with someones face eg: when a guy grabs a girl by the back of her head and vigorously pushes her face onto his cock fucking her mouth just like her pussy or ass

#Mick grabbed Renee by the back of her head and shoved her face onto his cock shoving his hard cock into her mouth and fucked her face so hard and fast like he just did to her pussy Renee knew her face was about to be facefucked hardcore

by Likeabossbitch June 25, 2016

56πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž