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City Syndrome


A mental affliction characterized by a self-centered and condescending state of mind produced upon moving to a major city from another town. Those with city syndrome think their city and its inhabitants are better than other places and their populations Thus, they rarely travel and look down on other areas/people.

Particularly present in NYC, this disease is highly resistant to treatment because sufferers rarely acknowledge their pathology.

Friend: (just moved to nyc from nj): I just can't go back to the suburbs anymore. I just can't do it, its way too boring.

Me: Fuck you, you arrogant bastard! You got City Syndrome! Since you moved to NYC from Jersey you think you're better than everyone else. You're not you pompous asshole!

by Limit531 November 26, 2009

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triple-threat lane


A car lane at a major intersection where one has the rare opportunity to legally go right, left, or straight.

Driver: (rapidly approaching major intersection)
Shit man, I have no idea where to go. Wtf am I gonna do??

Me: No sweat man, its a triple-threat lane, you can do whatever you want.

Driver: Oh shit, a triple-threat lane?! That's fucking awesome!

by Limit531 November 25, 2009