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shitty asshole

someone who gives you a really hard time and is acting like a complete jerk, twerp, and scumbag

"That guy, Jeremy has been getting on my nerves. He's such a shitty asshole!"

by Loisbois82 January 26, 2008

36👍 6👎

ogreous monster

Describes, in general, a male who is over six feet tall and has some meat, muscle, and fat on his body. Not required to be green, like Shrek. Because of his big size, may appear intimidating at first, but deep down inside, is very kind-hearted and considerate and a loyal friend.

"Hey Lois! Have you met my friend Richard? I know he looks like an ogreous monster but I promise you, he's nothing what he looks like on the outside!"

by Loisbois82 February 4, 2008

11👍 2👎


Short for "Janky & Gaudy Nemesis." Describes someone who you despise because they are so tasteless, ostentatious, fucked up, and in their own bubble because they refuse to accept reality.

"I don't know what the hell she is thinking but dayam, she's a TOTAL JGN and no wonder no one likes her!"

by Loisbois82 January 28, 2008

4👍 7👎