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American Horror Story

An amazing, twisted, creepy show. It's about a house that is haunted (and it truly is not as kooky as it sounds), and a family move there for a fresh start.

There are some pretty intruiging characters too, like Addie (sadly she dies) and Violet, and Tate. Tate is basically a phsycopath (but Violet, who is the daughter of the family, goes out with him).

It's quite confusing, and some of the ghosts are a bit scary. That might just because I am a wimp though...

The current series has finished, ending with many many more ghosts in the house. Spooky.

Person 1: Did you see American Horror Story last night?

Person 2: Yeah, Tate shot his whole school up. He's messed up dude.

Person 1: Well, yeah, but so hot. Shame he's dead and crazy.

Person 2: True, life sucks.

by LokiPumpkin December 28, 2011

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