Source Code

Disney Channel Moment

When people say a phrase that is juvenile, weird, gay, and very unappealing, typically used by Disney Channel actors or their cult- like fans, and usually involves old-school
or generally odd expressions.

Dan: Hey, we still have to do our project! We're doomed!

Lee: Oh, that? Don't worry! We still have lots of time! When's it due again?

Dan: Tomorrow!

Lee: OH! We are doomed!

Mike: Man, that was really gay. Such a Disney Channel Moment.

Dan: Really? Man!

by LuLuBee August 15, 2010

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hand Hug

The act of wrapping your thumb around someone's hand, while they wrap their thumb around the other side of your hand. Popularized mainly by middle-school students, Bruce Jenner and Scott Disick are also fans of the Hand Hug.

Tania: "Leo, Hand Hug!"
Leo: "This is adorable!"

by LuLuBee November 7, 2010

42πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Life Leverage

When all aspects of your life, such as relationships, work, money, etc. are all perfect, as if nothing can bring down the mood you're in.

Louis: "Hey Mitch, how ya been?"
Mitch: "Great! Healthy kids, great job, happy wife, big new house, upcoming vacation. I have finally reached Life Leverage."

by LuLuBee November 7, 2010

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Social Network

A recent(2010) movie about the creation of social network site, Facebook. It stars a bunch of ringlet-headed, self-conscious, snappy, socially-awkward characters, such as Mark Zuckerburg and Sean Parker and focuses around the constant situations of both being jerks, being pansies, and pissing each other off on multiple occasions.

Pat:"Did you see The Social Network this weekend?"
Tre:" Nah, man. Justin Timberlake and some freaky white-ass kid in a bathrobe having orgies in a doom room? No thanks."

by LuLuBee November 7, 2010

46πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


A word wannabe- gangsta white guys use to sound cool.

Roy: Hey Terrance, how's the computer programming goin'?
Terrance: Oh, its's T-Dog now! And it's pretty chill, for sure!

by LuLuBee December 20, 2010

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Jersey Girl

A girl that hails from or dresses like they are from New Jersey.
These girls usually have very orange "tans", long greasy and teased hair, long and pointy nails, very bronzed faces, overly arched eyebrows, dark, sparkly, or neon makeup, very skimpy and tight dresses, high boots or heels, lots of bling-y or flashy accessories, very large and jeweled purses, super low and tight shirts, thongs sticking out of their pants, fake boobs,and tons of glitter. These girls are usually very thin or very fat, never in- between. They are usually Italian or have a very large family and enjoy being very close to their families. Jersey Girls typically have high- end cars, very out- there personalities, jobs as hair stylists, makeup artists, or other prissy careers, and very fake- sounding or made-up names or nicknames. Jersey Girls often typically go clubbing, drink a lot and smoke regularly, stay out until the wee morning hours, are uneducated or act as if they are uneducated, hook up with strange and various men, are very bitchy and confrontational, get into and start many vicious catfights, make up odd phrases and abbreviations, take a very long time to get ready, believe they are 'hot' even if they aren't, get very drunk and often forget what happened the night before, and, generally, get along better with men.

Sassy:" Ugh, I have to go get my nails done today. The manicure I got yesterday is so nasty. I'm soo over cheetah print."

Carmella: " I'll come with. My hair needs a touchup, again. And we have to go tanning! My skin is fading from 'Cheeto Blast' to "Burnt Basketball'! I feel like a frickin' scumbag!

Sassy: "I know. I'm running out of bronzer. And someone used all my friggin' hairspray! I need some SBM, stat!"

Carmella: " Yeah! SBM- Shop, Bronze, Manicure! Oh, and did you see that girl SandMan hooked up with last night? What a whore! Like, for real. So disgusting."

Sassy: "You so got that right! I need a drink! What is it, 10 AM? Guess we're startin' late today! Where's the bar?!"

Carmella: 'Oh, don't worry, Sass! I got some beers in my bag."

Sassy: "I fricking love you, C- Cool! Let's get to the salon! We only have 14 hours to get ready before we go out! Noooo!"

Carmella: "You are such a Jersey Girl, Sassy!"

by LuLuBee August 15, 2010

20πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Subway System

A made-up system in which children use to steal various items from convenience stores. Used mainly by adolescent teenagers in the South, Subway System requires at least three participants, one who will talk to or distract the shop-owner, a second who will pretend to have an injury of some sort or be a lookout, and the third who steals the goods.

Haley: "Guys, Mr. Chen's Convenience Store's cameras are out!"
Carol:"Do I hear Subway System?!"
Leanne:"Yeah, girls! Let's do it! I could use some Brown Sugar Pop Tarts and Monster!"

by LuLuBee November 7, 2010

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž