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The process where one cunt exerts their Cuntedness to others

This was a good workplace until the main cunt sexerted their inflence to the flying monkeys and the process of cuntofication happened.

by LuckyDay😉 December 14, 2017

Cuntie, Cuntie, Cuntie

Response to self absorbed, rude behaviour

That is a Cuntie, Cuntie, Cuntie response

by LuckyDay😉 September 9, 2020


A state of extreme but illogical anger due to Covid 19 lockdowns and being required to stay at home to protect self and others.

I'm getting a bit sick of Dangry people. They think Covid 19 is Dan Andrew's fault (State of Victoria Premier, Australia) cause they'd rather die than stay home.

by LuckyDay😉 August 6, 2021


To be a cunt

All I'm hearing is Cuntie, Cuntie, Cuntie

by LuckyDay😉 September 9, 2020

1👍 1👎


It is one thing to 'Roast' someone (to make comedic value, and a different thing to 'burn' someone (not funny). To incinerate is to completely destroy them because of their immoral behaviour

I fucking incinerated them

by LuckyDay😉 August 29, 2017

14👍 1👎

Shearer's coffee

Shearer's coffee is offered to shearer's during the annual shearing on a sheep farm by the farmer/ farmers wife.

AKA International Roast. The cheapest, nastiest brew served alongside Billy tea. No-one ever actually consumed it so it lasts forever.

Sheep farmer: 'The shearer's are coming next week.'
Sheep farmer's wife: 'I'm pretty sure there's still plenty of shearer's coffee in the woolshed from when your mother used to live here 20 years ago'

by LuckyDay😉 October 17, 2022