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Nutter butter

A hard hit in the testicles.

Guy 1: Dude are you ok?
Guy 2: Ohhh! My fucking NUTS!
Guy 1: That was a Nutter butter! You aint fucking anytime soon!
Guy 2: Fuck you!

by LuisMS November 3, 2023


Slang for testicles in Brazil, literally means eggs.

Acha que as garotas gostam de caras com os ovos grandes?
Do you think women like guys with big eggs?

Guy 1- O cara bateu com os ovos no ferro!
Guy 2- Coitado fez ovos mexidos!
Guy 1-That guy hit his eggs on the rail!
Guy 2- Poor guy scrambled his eggs!

by LuisMS July 28, 2023

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