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The act of shafting a group of people (usually cowards) whilst believing to have a "one-up" against you. Usually done against dweebs that lived a privileged childhood, went to private school, show high levels of ignorance and take part in casual racism. These entitled cowards will do the fastest runner when confronted with challenging situations. Or become full on passive-aggressive to tell themselves they’ve “won the argument”.

All whilst having no knowledge how the world actually works outside the decorated cage they were raised in.
I.e. No street-knowledge Whatsoever.

This is when the bum-brushing commences.

Fake Blonde Girl: Omg no way?!?! What happened

Dweeb 1: Nearly got sacked from my job and had to change work place.

Dweeb 2: I’m deeply offended, had to delete my LinkedIn and change my phone number 3 times.

Dweeb 3: mate someone sent parcels of shit & prostitutes to my house.

Dweeb 4: I’ve spent over £1000 on tinder gold to end up with an ugly girlfriend.

Dweeb 4: We’ve all been Bum-brushed lads. Let’s all cry into bowl and pass it around.

by Luke_emia December 14, 2022

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