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a banna. its a fruit, what else can you think of? probably nothing, yeah.

"hey man, do you like bannas? " "Yeah sure, but i hate the rotten ones."

by Lxilay! January 21, 2022

plz robuc

"plz robuc" other known as, "Please robux" is what noobs use in a game called ROBLOX to get the game's digital game currency, robux. they beg for robux as their mother does not provide them with it.

iNsTeAd tHeY sHoUlD dO tHe ObViOuS tO sTeAl tHeIr mOm'S cReDiT cArD!!11!1!

1 person: "hey, did you know that, his mom didn't allow him to have robux?"
2 person: "Oh gee, that's why they keep saying 'plz robuc'"

by Lxilay! March 14, 2022