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Panta bitch

Kokichi Ouma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader, your typical mischievous child.
He's called this way because of his obsession with Panta. (We assume, he holds it in his pfp.)

He drinks it every single day, NO EXCEPTIONS.

"Panta is the new water!"
"You're such a Panta bitch."

by LyingTreasure May 31, 2021

Shuichi Saihara

Ultimate Detective in the third killing game of Danganronpa.
(Danganronpa v3: Killing harmony)

A tall emo boy who just wants peace. He's neither hope or despair.
You will meet him head faced down outside a locker. People say he's a detective but he denies it as "apprentice."
One of the most noticeable traits are his eyelashes. They're just so beautiful like--wow.
He's slender with no *ss.
Just like any other protagonist, he possesses an ahoge /antenna.

This man wears striped black clothes with an emo hat on top.
His fear is telling the truth;
When he was younger he solved a case not even the police department could! Apparently the criminal scared the sh*t out of him with his eyes and so on.

Kaede is his friend(?)(They just met idk why).
Saihara is Kaito Momota's sidekick/ Kaito is his sideb*tch.

The Astonaut helps him be more confident in himself.
He's the famous guy for saying and quoted;
"You're alone Kokichi, and you will always be."

Ultimate spoilers:
• gets yanked by Tenko in her lab.
• is one of the final survivors.

"Um, I'm Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective."

"Shuichi, Pooichi? Take any name you'd like!"

"Shuichi, we all believe in you."
"What's the secret behind your eyelashes, Saihara-kun?!"

"Shuichi, stop not believing in yourself, you gotta do better!"

"Who the h*ck is Shumai?"
"Every day, I apply mascara and eyeliner on my perfect eyes."

by LyingTreasure May 31, 2021

24👍 1👎


Blackwashing is a term used when a person deliberately changes a (usually) white character, or person, to be included in the black race, as, to (in most cases) show more representation of the black community.

It is NOT okay to commit to blackwashing for more representation or any other reason. Blackwashing is just as bad as whitewashing. You are changing a character's ethnicity for YOUR OWN liking. It is unfair and showing the person needs to be in your community to be good. Please leave peoples' skins alone; they are perfect the way they ARE.

POC person: "We have the right to be blackwashing, it shows more of us."

Another POC person: "I am POC but believe that is unfair. We should not change someone's skin colour for any case."

by LyingTreasure June 2, 2022

2388👍 152👎

Angie Yonaga

Angie Yonaga known as the Ultimate Artist, belongs to one of the Gifted Juveniles in the third killing game of Danganronpa.

Apart from sculpting and sketching, she believes in her Polynesian God, Atua.
Atua means everything to her.

When first meeting her you will meet her in the Shrine of Judgement asking for blood donations but Shuichi and Kaede just run away.


She is also the Leader of the student council, in the secomd chapter featuring Kiibo, Himiko, Tsumugi and Tenko.
She is known for brainwashing Himiko with her God.

She dies in chapter 3, in her own lab. People say she's annoying and scary...

"Bless Atua, our God."

"Angie Yonaga is Atua's b*tch."

"Nyahaha~ Yoohoo, it's me Angie Yonaga!"
"F*ck you and your Atua!"

"Atua is watching us."
"He's ONLY watching?!"

by LyingTreasure May 31, 2021

2👍 2👎