Source Code


Word History / Origin

Definition 2 was the first usage of the word at Quakecon 2002. Five members of Clan PIT (MC, Bar-B-Q, Crow, Snake, and Bama) noticed that John Carmack's parking space was reserved with a few cones. If only they had a cone, they too could reserve a parking space ... and that would 'own.' No wait. 'It would CONE!' They snatched one from Carmack's space, dragged it into the BYOC and began shooting pics with the cone on people's heads. Cone-ing was born.

Definition 1 followed shortly thereafter as Clan PIT added it to their gaming lexcon. PIT member Bar-B-Q leveraged his position on the development team of the Quake mod Urban Terror to have it appear on screen after a lopsided round win. The third level of 'own' was born.


Hey Demon, smile for the camera ... You've Been Coned!

Henceforth, it shall be named QuakeConed!

Blue team wins. CONED! <Ahhahahahah>

by MCinBigD August 14, 2006

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