Source Code


Deunk, meaning Dead Drunk. When someone is so smashed that they can no longer walk and think that their singing is 'nice' they are deunk (dead-drunk)

Pronuced: Dunk

"Last night Tim was deunk"
"WOW! I'm not drunk, I'm deunk"

Man 1: "Last night I became drunk!"
Man 2: "I was smashed!"
Man 3: "I became deunk!"
Man 1: "ewww..."

by MEGAZOR August 13, 2009

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Bruck is the words Brick & Stuck together meaning stuck under a brick.

On the weekend I went to a building site and became bruck.

by MEGAZOR August 12, 2009

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When you suddenly have your mind filled with great new words to share with the world and you decide to add them all to The Urban Dictionary.

John: "Want to grab a meal?"
Sally: "No, I've just had an Urban-Dic-Rush!"
John: "You're a man!!!"
Sally: "No you dope! I've made new words to share with the world!"
John: "Thank-God!"

by MEGAZOR April 7, 2010

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Chicken Time

What fat kids yell out to their mamma's when they are gettin hungry!

Joshep: "CHICKEN TIME!!!"
Mamma: "My son is so fuckin fat"

by MEGAZOR September 5, 2010

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Yrban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary's most common typo when typing the website into a web browser.

Mum: "Timmy! where leaving!"
Timmy: "Just a tad, I need to know what that kid called me yesterday!"
Mum: "Hurry Up!"
Timmy: "Whoops! Urban, not Yrban Dictionary"

by MEGAZOR January 17, 2010

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The most common typo for the word 'seven'.

part of an email:
" Hey, Bazza!

The other day I got seben pairs of shoes!"

by MEGAZOR February 3, 2010

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Crazed Gun men

A man with no manners who runs around shooting people left, right and centre for fun until law inforcement groups rock up.

Man 1: "He's got a gun!"
Man 2: "No! even worse, he's a 'Crazed Gun men'"
Man 3: "I like the game chess"

by MEGAZOR August 17, 2009