Source Code


When something bad happens.

- Bummer! There's a hole in the boat
- Bummer! There's a bomb in the bus
- Bummer! There's an old person in the car
- Bummer! There's a dead guy in the airplane
- Bummer! There's a blind guy driving the mini-van
- Bummer! There's a hippy in the Anti-Earth hour national meeting
- Bummer! There's a Jew above Hitlers grave
- Bummer! There's a hippy on the road infront of the double decker bus

by MEGAZOR April 7, 2010

348πŸ‘ 244πŸ‘Ž

Thursday Night TV

Thursday Night TV is boring, therefore Thursday Night TV is used to describe boring things.

Frank: "Hey! son, look at that ride!"
Timmy: "Dad I'd rather watch Thursday Night TV"
Frank: "Boring piece of shit..."
Timmy: "What did ya call me?!"
Frank: "Nothing son!"
Timmy: "You wanna Go!"
'gun shots'

by MEGAZOR January 23, 2010


Buckada pronounced Buck-a-da is an overall term for a foreign language in which you can not determine which language it is.

Man 1: What is that guy saying?
Man 2: I don't know, I think heҀ™s speaking Buckada.
Man 1: I agree that does sound like Buckada.
Man speacking Buckada: allah buckada! I gots buckada you got a buckada, we all have buckada...

Timmy: "Blah, Blah,Blah..."
Mother: "Timmy stop that! YouҀ™re speaking Buckada and I can't understand you!"

by MEGAZOR August 14, 2009

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Bing is a search engine created by Microsoft, why it is not as good as the search engine Google is because Bing stands for: Because Its Not Google

Man 1: Don't use Bing.
Man 2: Why ever not good sir?
Man 1: Because Its Not Google.
Man 2:...

by MEGAZOR August 12, 2009

1983πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

The Oxford Dictionary

A sensible dictionary which has taken many years to construct. Written by posh English gentlemen in London England.

John: "What the F*** is that crap!
Thomas: "It's The Oxford Dictionary"
John: "Looks like a pile of educational shit!"
Thomas: "It's much better than that half burnt Urban Dictionary in your hand"
John: "Don't dis words of the web!"

by MEGAZOR January 5, 2010

19πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Party Poo

What comes out of your system once a party has ended.

Man: "Shit! I was so fucking smashed, I just ate like a fat person!"
Woman: "That's not all you did..."
Man: "Huh?! what are you talkin' bout' you fuckin whore!?"
Woman: "After the party you did a party poo in their letter box"
Man: "Fuckin Jesus!"

by MEGAZOR September 5, 2010

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Money Grease

Someone who is so rich that they start using the grease which comes off of $100 dollar bills for everyday jobs.

Ted: "WOW! How did you make your hair so shiny?"
William: "This, Oh it's just money grease!"
Ted: "Rich bastard"
William: "What was that?"
Ted: "Huh? nothing"

by MEGAZOR January 5, 2010

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž