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It is a seed that loses its toxicity if soaked for three days in the water. It is also the artist name of Jonathan Benamou, John Eyzen.

- Have you seen this seed?
- Yeah, it's an eyzen.

by MERCUTIOOO February 15, 2019


One of the two most powerful families of Verona in "Romeo and Juliet". Capulets do not like Montagues and vice versa. Romeo and Benvolio are part of the Montagues. In most of these works, the Montagues have the color blue.

- We hate you, Montague!
- I have the same feelings towards you, my dear Capulets!

by MERCUTIOOO February 15, 2019


The best character of Romeo and Juliet. He is most likely gay and loves to fight for no reason. He is the best friend of Romeo and Benvolio. He convinced Romeo to go to the ball. He is not part of the Montaigu family or the Capulet family. He is a relative of Prince Escalus and Paris. He dies in a duel with Tybalt.

- Hey, Mercutio, wanna fight?
- Yeah man! Hope I don't die, hohoho

by MERCUTIOOO February 15, 2019

3👍 1👎


One of the two most powerful families of Verona in "Romeo and Juliet". Capulets do not like Montagues and Montagues don't like Capulets. Juliette and Tybalt are part of Capulets. Their color is red.

- We don't like you Capulet!
- No, u.
- HoW DaRe YoU?!

by MERCUTIOOO February 15, 2019