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Dio Predator

1. Noun- A divine life form with master adaptation and an unsermountable evolutionary level. generally on the level of a god. Not defined as one type of life form. Its form and power often vary often forming into the most dominate and most powerfull being around, able to counter inact any new variation or thing it encounters. also see predator dio

Dio predators are considered the ultimate life form because of their unpredictability and of the various forms that they can take. Also considered the most powerfull of all predator species they have the ability to become that which is considerd the level of the gods.

by MK March 21, 2005

12👍 10👎


A wolf, when caught in a snare in the wild, will often times go to extreme measures to get out of the trap. Often times wolves will actually chew their own leg off to get back to freedom.

This rarely happens, but is often recited when a drunken one-night-stand goes bad.

I just got out of there....she was lying on my arm; I almost needed to pull a wolfer...

by MK November 4, 2003

7👍 84👎

internal cumshot

The act of shooting ones load into the oraface or hole of anothers body, thus the term "internal."

Often done vaginally,(the best) also possible anally, thats where you get shit-dick and also inside of a girls mouth where robin spits (maiden name swallows) got her last name from (austin powers 2)

1. Ya bobby shot it up all in her that night and got it good 3 weeks later with that damn + sign still burned into his eyes.
2. ya they now will forever called him shitdick ever since the day he fucked that dirty little slut (who never whipes) in the ass had a little internal cumbustion which got them some both nasty infections, that made it so that little slut couldnt shit right or little bobby fuck right for a week.
3. Ya they took that little slut from above back to the hospital to get her stomach pumped when it was found that she had swallowed cause both her holes were plugged from fucking around.

by MK March 21, 2005

31👍 32👎

cream pie

1.Often refered to as "traditional Sex" (or straight/anal sex in the adult industry) whereby the man shoots his seed inside of the pussy. The actual creampie or "proof" is the point when the man pulls out and the semen can be seen leeking out.
2. A less popular form of adult entertainment that relies more on the pill than on the rubber any mans fantasy
3. a shot inside of the Anus is still refered to as a creampie but should more commonly be called an Anal creampie. (whereby which a man jacks his load into the shithole of one desperate bitch

In my opinion the best kind of porn out there if i had to say anything and i aint no porn freak but it aint messy it doesnt gross you out (from looking at a guys fucking dick for 50% of the movie and girls excuse me im talking to the straight guys here) and it doesnt have all that wierd ass bull that comes out now adays (like foot sex arm sex farm sex you name it its been done)

by MK March 21, 2005

1015👍 758👎


Maulik’s say please and thank you, waits his turn in line, and treats others as they wish to be treated. he's hilarious because of the jokes he says, things he does. He is Someone who is loving feels or shows love to other people. makes an effort with his friends and family, because he know’s how much they mean to him. Maulik’s can get special persons in their life who will be with them forever and love em for their life.. one Maulik’s lifeline can be S♥️

That’s a maulik as he has the most loving person in his life.

by MK November 23, 2021


sharp intellect, genius, sagacity - Hindu

also, desire/wish

I wish I were like Manisha

by MK February 6, 2005

442👍 133👎


a person that gives anything of vaule of some sort to tha opposite sex.

Man why u givin' all yo doe to that braod u a trick.

by MK September 4, 2003

10👍 12👎