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Nons is a common word used in hypixel to someone that doesn't have a rank.

MVP NoobMaster69: ay bro you see those dumb nons over there?
VIP+ 96MasterNoob: Yeah he looks so dumb

by MLGYolofade October 13, 2020

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i'm not trying

"i'm not trying" is an excuse for people who lost in 1v1s.

It's basically an excuse to get away from the fact that you're actually bad at the game.
You might find this is Roblox fighting games, or other games as well.

*opponent loses 1v1*
Opponent: "i'm not trying"

by MLGYolofade May 28, 2020

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A word used by Technoblade. He calls his friends nerds and other random kids.


by MLGYolofade October 1, 2020

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gg L ez no re

"good game Loser easy no rematch"
this is like "gg ez no re" but its used when you ABSOLUTELY destroyed someone without being hit by your opponent.

*when you destroy someone without getting hit*
you: gg L ez no re

by MLGYolofade May 22, 2020

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an acronym for "shut the hell up."

"mic up noob."

by MLGYolofade September 22, 2020

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hey shitass

Γ’Β€Βœhey shitass, wanna see me Ҁ is a meme where someone tries to speed run but when they do the person named shitass already reached that way before him.

Γ’Β€Βœhey shitass, wanna see me speedrunҀ
Γ’Β€Βœwait how did you get hereҀ

by MLGYolofade October 27, 2020

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basically like the word hypocrite

kid: youre so bad
guy: SEZ U

by MLGYolofade December 23, 2021

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