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After pulling out, the splooge at the end of your dick that dries into a thin, glazed-donut-like crust which flakes off like well-cooked salmon.

The morning after I banged my aunt, I caressed my knob and gently flicked her commercium off my shaft.

by MVCV007 November 29, 2016

24👍 1👎


What you call a girl who has two assholes.

I didn't want any after Cory nutted her ass and her crack until he told me that she was a coconut and had a spare, clean, hole.

by MVCV007 November 29, 2016

19👍 8👎

softwood lumber

When your boner kinks when you try to shove it in her ass but she clinches.

She wouldn't relax when I tried to plow her ass and left me with softwood lumber.

by MVCV007 November 29, 2016

20👍 1👎