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can be used to describe literally anything or anyone or any action.

throw them dick worms up!
you are such a dick worm....
dick worms unite

by Mac September 15, 2004

12πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


i, Member of the EU, who in his/her spare time likes to make up stupid laws and insult* contrys 100's of miles away while sitting in Brussels**.

*like naming kilts 'womens wear'

Why is it always the French that are Eurocrats!?!

by Mac November 29, 2003

41πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Another word for the rocket launcher in the xbox game Halo.

Oh shit son...Martin just got the quad.

by Mac September 12, 2003

21πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Hot lunch

This involves making a small pocket inside your partners mouth (Probably with cling film etc) then fill it with a small amount of poo. Then as you are about to bolt after fucking your partners mouth, thrust really hard and break through the poo-pocket thus filling her mouth with spunk and poo milkshake: Hence a "Hot Lunch" Simple really.

Mac: "Hey Soph, You wanna have a Hot Lunch today?" (He he he)

Soph: Oh yes please, only no sweetcorn this time, it gets stuck in my teeth.

by Mac October 13, 2004

1055πŸ‘ 718πŸ‘Ž


Chron is really good smoke, the kind that makes your eyes red and your mouth dry just from looking at it. Chron can be double bagged and you will still be able to smell that shit.

Yo man fuck the BC BUNK, we got the CALGARY CHRON!!!!

by Mac August 8, 2003

328πŸ‘ 206πŸ‘Ž

dog taco

taco made out of dog meat. mostly found in non-latin american countries such as new york, los angeles, etc.

hey, did you get a dog taco today, bitch?

by Mac March 21, 2005

5πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


The guiche is the bit betwixt your asshole and your nutsack. Also know as the perenium in scientific circles

The cheeky bint tickled my guiche

by Mac October 12, 2004

132πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž