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"Prickless Looser"....As defined by a man who is normally a boss of some form. Lazy, self-infatuated, money moviated and lacking in any charisma in any way. Can also be known as a monkey beater. Takes many guises, but, in my experience, is a balding Dan Akroyd look-alike who, it is rumoured is also a twat goblin. Actively associates with both usm and AP

Paul: "Where has all this extra work come from?"

Karim: "The PL came in and chopped one off on you again!!"

Paul: "PL...What a wanker"

by Macster007 December 4, 2006

4👍 34👎


In my experience, JAS MUST stand for "Jupiter and Saturn", as this persons expanding waste-line can only be measured in this way. An irritating twat of a co-worker whos lazy antics are ignored as he is such a salad tosser. A pervert and a nonce who disgusts all around him with his suggestions of his thong wearing habits. Great fun to work with......

Secretary: "JAS has just come in"
Paul: "Is he with USM, AP, PL or DC?"
Secretary: "Yes, hes with PL"
Paul: "Is he walking, or is he hanging out of PL's ass again?!?!"
Secretary: "Hes walking and telling him about his red thong!"

by Macster007 December 6, 2006

9👍 27👎


Standing for "Aggrivating Prick"...Normally any person who gets stupidly stressed at the smallest thing, usually resulting in such high stress levels, they revert to acts of a todler, flicking their lip and making gurgling sounds, before shouting strange and indecipherable phrases to themselves. Basically an annoying coworker

Man: "Boss, can I ask you what to do about this Philbie case"
Boss: "Philbie...I dont want to know about it....fucking 3rd hand clients'....*gurgle*gurgle*"
Man: "Ok...I'll speak to someone else about it"
Boss: "mmm...ha, ha, whats her name...philbie....mmmm"
Man: "Thanks AP"

by Macster007 November 30, 2006

20👍 27👎


Stands for "Unbelievably Slothful Man"...A general term given to a person, usually your bosses, who continually pass their own work-load onto others in their employ...Commonly believed that such a fucktard will leave work and go home to lazy land to become a Bag Whacker again...

USM: "eeermmm....Karim, can you just do this for me..."
Karim (Depressed Employee): "mmmm...yeah, when I have time"
USM: (Leaves room)
Karim: "Fucking USM"

by Macster007 November 30, 2006

14👍 6👎