Source Code

take the bus

get fucked or fuck off

Situation: Don dropping lil dude out in his car

Don: hey mate, can I stop at chemist and pick up the medicine.
Lil dude: nah man, can you drop me home first..
Don: take the bus you fucking wanker!!!!!!!!!


lil dude: hey Don, can you stop farting in the office?
Don: Take the bus you wanker!!

by MagdaIsReal January 8, 2022

eat my nurries

Go and get fucked you cunt of a thing

Gus luken was giving Wim crap. Wim said to Gus luken, 'oh eat my nurries', to which Gus luken replied, 'no, they're too salty'

by MagdaIsReal January 7, 2022

Aaaa 10 bucks...

When you don't want to tell, how exactly have you ducked up

Gobal telling Don: I lost serious amount on pokies
Old Tockley overheard and asked Gobal: How much did you loose!!!
Gobal panicked and went....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 10 bucks...

by MagdaIsReal January 5, 2022