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1. eastern kentucky for "buddy."

2. a noise made due to annoyance.

Better git 'at truck down 'ar, buh.

by Maggie April 13, 2004

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Jelly Bracelets

These are so stupid i dont understand y ppl think they are tru cuz now girlz are afraid 2 wear them cuz of sick stupid boiz. Until a lady came and talked about them to mi class no1 had any idea that they were even sex related now ppl make up definitions 4 colors 2 scare the guelz who wear 'em they are so0o0o0o0 stupid

i cant even wear them without being made fun of

by Maggie December 17, 2003

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Evangeline Lilly

The highest source of heat on the planet Earth after the Sun.

I stood next to Evangeline Lilly on the subway, and got a bad sunburn.

by Maggie April 10, 2005

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Southern USA slang.
Background is as old as the southern USA
speech and word patterns were developing

Ount -Do you want to?

Johnny is going fishing; he sees his friend Billy sitting on the porch swing.
Johnny walks up to Billy and says,"Billy, I'm a' going fishing do ya ount to go with me?" Billy replies, "Yeah, I ount to go a fishing with you, ya ount to go to Jimmy's and see if he ounts to go too?"

by Maggie September 12, 2004

38πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

red dot

another word , for that time of mounth

damn , im on my red dot

by Maggie May 28, 2003

15πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

all about

- Extreme like, infatuation or love of something or someone.

Jen is all about Ben.

by Maggie January 7, 2004

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Southern USA.
Ex. Two people need or want to purchase an item. Neither one has enough cash, credit to purchase the item.
If they go in 'havvers' they can purchase the needed/wanted item. Each person paying half of the total cost.

Fred sure does need that tractor for his farm work; he ain't got the money for it. Fred talks to Leroy about needing that tractor and his lack of money. Leroy is very happy! Fred, I need that same tractor and ain't got the money. How 'bout you and me go in 'havvers' and buy it?
The deal is made. Fred pays half; Leroy pays half the cost. The two men share the use of the needed tractor.

by Maggie September 12, 2004

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