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Bashin' on me socks

Someone thats Being a nosey cunt! Gettin all up in ya business!

Stop bashin' on me socks, Cunt!

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

6👍 3👎


Just extremely good.

That is well express init

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

114👍 34👎


Too pissed to know whats goin on. Cant do anything without stumbling and falling over.

A sense of your mind crumbling away into nothing.

Man, im well Crumbled

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

11👍 3👎


Not too bad, in the sense of how you feel. Like sound etc

When asked "hows it goin" the reply of "Im propa stable, man"

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

19👍 28👎

Frozen Pea'd

Absolutly wasted and stoned. Your state of mind becomes that of a frozen pea.

Im Well frozen pea'd mate, but whack us some more vodka!

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

4👍 4👎


Word meaning "cool" Used in tv show, Nathan Barley by the "idiots" Who think they are trendy.

Its used liek irony, but not. 'cos they have the belief that, if its ironic or contreversial, its cool.

Now that is well bum!

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

3👍 9👎

shamefully criminal

Pretty fucking Mint! So much so that if you were you would be ashamed that you are that ace!

Can be used about yourself or others. Or items.

That is shamefully criminal!

by MajorFool May 24, 2007

6👍 1👎