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Positively Negative

When negative news becomes positively the only news people are interested in.

The horrible accident that created a more horrific accident was POSITIVELY NEGATIVE and interesting.

by MajorThomasRandle March 5, 2015

11👍 2👎


A person or state of being in chaos (entropy) in: Physical, Mental and Spiritual life.

After the war he became an Entropath due to his injuries and depression with the loss of his faith.

by MajorThomasRandle February 19, 2015


The god of all obese diabetic people.

I pray that my fat diabetic life is protected by my lord


by MajorThomasRandle March 5, 2015


The condition of being exhausted by the constant use of Wi-Fi (phones, tablet and laptop...etc.)

I'm so Wi-Fried from texting and emailing all day, I could sleep for days.

by MajorThomasRandle March 5, 2015