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Randy Newman

A musical genius and towering yet benevolent God amongst men, especially manlets. This universally venerated six-foot tall idol has a global cult following of manlets. The obsessed fanboy manlets are known to hold microscopic parades on his birthday and for the construction of elaborate statues of Saint Newman, as the stunted manlets affectionately call him, even going so far as to name their dwarfish offspring after him. Well-known, beloved and highly respected for his brilliant sense of humor and the profundity of his insight into important social issues, two of of Randy Newman's countless smash hits are "Short People" (the anthem of manletism) and "You've Got a Friend in Me" (unless you're a manlet).

Lol, why are those soaking wet manlets holding hands while lying in that tiny puddle over there? Randy Newman sometimes goes for a walk in this neighborhood. The besotted manlets have formed an improvised miniature pontoon bridge in eager anticipation of their hero's potential arrival. They have been floating there like that for hours now. The puddle must be like a lake to those utterly insignificant little manlet boys. Surely they will later frolic around and play grab-ass like the elfish fairies that they are. Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 23, 2024

David Miscavige

This microscopic turbo-manlet rose to the top of Scientology by performing copious amounts of standing blowjobs on L. Ron Hubbard. Petite and effeminate little David likes to beat up the people he has brainwashed in a futile attempt at asserting his nonexistent masculinity and despite the fact that he wouldn't survive for five minutes on an elementary school playground. Fun fact: Manlet Miscavige is one of the few manlets who is even shorter than tiny Tom Cruise. For shame!

Isn't that Scientology's leading manlet David Miscavige receiving an atomic wedgie from a grade-schooler over there? Oh well, boys will be boys.

by ManletDepreciator July 30, 2024

megachurch manlet

A megachurch manlet is a massively delusional microscopic manlet boy who senselessly, sinfully and insolently dares to sully the sanctity of the house of the Lord with his abominable attendance, thereby bringing upon himself inexorable divine wrath because it clearly states in the Bible in Leviticus 21:20 that no dwarf shall draw near the temple. For shame! The sacrilegious sissy manlet would be well-advised to sacrifice himself by jumping into the depths of the manlet pit, in order to appease the venerated Randy Newman, the patron saint of manletism. If his derisory offering is excepted, then the preposterously petite midget monstrosity will be blessed by having his dying wish granted, being that Short People shall be played at his nanoscopic funeral.

Sophia: Hey, why is that tarred and feathered megachurch manlet exhaustedly carrying around that cross pendant on his back over there? Isabella: It's the devastatingly dwarfed manlet's just punishment following is immediate excommunication because he got totally wasted off of one sip of communion wine and then urinated into the holy water font. Sophia: Silly manlet boys. The Passion of the Manlet. Isabella: Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 30, 2024

Todd Howard

The personification of the Napoleon complex. An absolute manlet. Short-tempered, always compensating and prone to telling tall tales, tiny Todd exhibits the classic symptoms of suffering from a Napoleon complex deluxe, undoubtedly due to him being a petite and effeminate runt of a sissy manlet boy. This terminally insecure turbo-manlet ruined many video games with his pathological lying. The desperate act of a little man with a big Napoleon complex.

Hey, isn't that tiny Todd Howard riding on a Skeever over there? That utterly insignificant manlet is probably on the way to his hobbit-hole to order high heels and hookers online!

by ManletDepreciator July 21, 2024


A male that is 4ft11 to 5ft4 is a turbo-manlet. As a particularly stunted member of the manlet family, the turbo-manlet eternally resides at the very bottom of the social food chain. Inflicted with catastrophic levels of manletism, the turbo-manlet harbors what can (ironically) only be described as a colossal hatred for women and society but mostly for himself. Utterly insignificant, deeply insecure, inherently effeminate and unquestionably pathetic, the turbo-manlet represents the quintessence of manletism.

I think I just stepped on a turbo-manlet. Is there any manlet residue stuck to the sole of my shoe?

by ManletDepreciator July 28, 2024

Manlet Pit

A hole in the ground where manlets are found. Typically located in your local gym. Here the petite and effeminate manlet boys compare high heels, pay homage to their hero Randy Newman by singing Short People, futilely lift weights, jerk each other off and bitterly complain about women. Misery loves company. That's why the manlet pit is especially packed on Friday evenings and weekends because that's when normal people go out to socialize and have a great time. A concept that is, of course, completely foreign to a deeply insecure and comically stunted manlet pit inhabitant.

I just stepped over the manlet pit to hit the squat rack - WTF is going on down there? Just the usual, don't even worry about it bro. Everybody knows that short people got no reason.

by ManletDepreciator July 30, 2024

prison wife manlet

A dominated sissy manlet who resides deep in the bowels of the United States prison system. Going by cute nicknames such as Strawberry, Shortstack, Delicious or Tinkerbell, the prison wife manlet delightedly embraces his natural role as the belle of the ball in the penitentiary. Puny and inherently effeminate as he obviously is, the prison wife manlet enjoys preparing spreads, washing clothes, cleaning cells, gossiping while doing his nails with the other diminutive and therefore subjugated jailhouse sissy manlets and is always eager to service the amorous desires of all imposing manmores in the vicinity, thereby ecstatically submitting to a real man and being dominated as nature intends it.

I wonder what would happen to Tiny Tom Cruise if the petite, little manlet boy were to be sentenced to a lengthy prison term? Are you kidding me? That girlish and minuscule midget monstrosity would immediately turn into a prison wife manlet just by driving past a prison yard! Manlets BTFO. Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 21, 2024