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A manlet is a male, too short to be considered a man. Any male shorter than 5ft10 is a manlet. A manlet suffers from manletism, a devastating condition which gives rise to the Napoleon complex that afflicts all manlets. The only cure for manletism is for the infected manlet to embrace his inherent effeminacy and become a manmore's prison wife.

Look at that silly, little manlet boy, prancing around in high heels over there! The sissy manlet is probably on his way to visit his prison daddy!

by ManletDepreciator July 14, 2024

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Manlets are males who are shorter than 5ft10. They suffer from manletism and can often be found futilely lifting weights in the local manlet pit, in a hilarious attempt at increasing their nonexistent masculinity or prancing around town in high heels after embracing their inherent effeminacy.

Look at those silly manlets tussling over a pair of high heels over there! Oh, I thought they were just a bunch of little girls...

by ManletDepreciator July 14, 2024

Tom Cruise

Tiny Tom Cruise has built a faltering Hollywood career by prancing around wearing high heels, standing on apple boxes, bouncing up and down on couches (like the child that he is) and, embarrassingly, even by pretending to be an action hero. All in a desperate and vain attempt at concealing his comical manletism and his painfully obvious homosexuality. Tiny Tom likes to visit gay bathhouses and enjoys going shopping for high heels with fellow midget and Napoleon complex deluxe sufferer David Miscavige.

Hey, isn't that tiny Tom Cruise holding hands with David Miscavige over there? Yeah, it sure is - those petite and effeminate crazed sissy manlets deserve each other!

by ManletDepreciator July 30, 2024

Todd Howard's tall tales

Next to having little hands and little eyes, Tiny Todd "Tippy Toes" Howard is known for walking around in high heels and tellin' great big lies. His long-suffering wifelet says that he's got a little schmeckle and tiny little teeth. He wears platform shoes on his nasty little feet. When detected in public it's evident that he's got little baby legs and that he stands so low, even a child would have to pick him up just to say hello! He should get in his little car and just go beep, beep, beep because nobody cares about his deceptive manletspeak. We don't want no more tall tales around here.

Manmore 1: Oh great, Bethesda is releasing another overpriced shovelware role-playing game soon. Little Napoleon Howard promised to finally add a height slider to the character creation menu this time. Manmore 2: That's just another one of Todd Howard's tall tales! That dwarfishly stunted, petite and effeminate microscopic runt of a homunculus Ewok sissy manlet boy is way too insecure about his laughably girlish height to ever permit such a thing. Manmore 1: What a meddling manlet he is! Short people got no reason. Manmore 2: Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator September 13, 2024

Manlet Monday

A time when a bunch of minuscule manlets get together to whine about having spent another torturous weekend alone as always and to mentally prepare themselves for an undoubtedly horrific week of constant humiliation and well-deserved bullying due to their laughably obvious manletism and abominable Napoleon complex. The stunted and diminutive manlet boys usually dance around wearing Oompa Loompa costumes while listening to Short People, thusly worshipping their idol Randy Newman in a futile and desperate bid to be finally blessed with an invaluable and long-awaited growth spurt.

Lol, why are those sissy manlets dressed up as Oompa Loompas holding hands over there? It must be Manlet Monday. Those midget monstrosities are probably waddling to the nearest hobbit-hole. Good. I don't want no short people around here.

by ManletDepreciator August 14, 2024

Short People

The greatest song of all time and the anthem of manletism. The legendary first song of Randy Newman's aptly named and superlative 1977 album Little Criminals. This musical masterpiece catapulted the already illustrious Newman to well-deserved international fame and fortune and cemented his status as an absolute legend of the entertainment industry. Short People has blessed the six-foot tall Randy Newman with a fanatical following of rabid manlet fanboys who delight in the fact that Saint Newman, as they affectionately call him, lives a luxurious lifestyle and will undoubtedly enjoy a kingly retirement ascribable to the magnificent song that has enriched their lowly lives so much.

Did you know that Short People was a smash hit on the radio, reaching its zenith at number two of the Billboard Hot 100 for three consecutive weeks? Imagine being a silly, little manlet boy driving to work with Short People constantly playing on the radio and everybody at work laughing at you. Manlets BTFO. Short people got nobody. Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 23, 2024

misanthropic manlet

The perpetually petulant, paranoid and pessimistic petite misanthropic manlet is an isolated loner manlet who childishly shuns the company of grown-ups and instead prefers to focus his girlishly giddy energy on pursuing his numerous hobbies, including but not limited to: alcoholism, compulsively measuring his immutably dwarfed height every five minutes, e-shopping for children's clothes and high heels, daydreaming about getting pegged by a seven-foot tall dominatrix while he sings Short People in his high-pitched and squeaky-voiced manletspeak, performing delusional height increasing stretching exercises while listening to Skee-Lo's "I wish" and wearing nothing but high heels and a training bra, venting his manlet rage by ranting about how all women (righteously) reject and laugh at him at his local Bagel Boss and putting the finishing touches on his manlet manifesto before shooting up his favorite Barbie Dreamhouse due to the Barbie doll he was crushing on calling him an inherently effeminate, microscopically infinitesimal stunted beastling of a sissy manlet boy when she caught him in the Dreamhouse manlet pit as the deranged low IQ manlet was stupidly attempting to give the, by comparison towering, Ken doll a standing blowjob.

Emma: Lol, why is that misanthropic manlet furiously dry humping that garden gnome over there? Allison: It's because manlets can't be choosers. Emma: Short people got nobody. Allison: Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator September 11, 2024