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Todd Howard's high heels

Apart from telling tall tales about video games and giving standing blowjobs to ZeniMax executives and true to the nature of the inherently effeminate and preposterously puny and petite stunted sissy manlet fairy that he obviously is, Little Napoleon Howard enjoys prancing about town wearing a variety of fabulous and fanciful high heels on his nasty, little feet, including but not limited to: thick-soled sneakers (undoubtedly containing insoles), boots with stacked heels, platform shoes (obviously), high heels (naturally), stilettos (only for his sugar daddy) and stilts (when grocery shopping all by himself like a big boy). A particularly infamous and hilarious photo beautifully showcasing Tiny Todd's ever-present, deep-seated and overpoweringly potent manletism-induced inferiority complex, taken at the 2015 Fallout 4 video game launch event in Los Angeles, features the illustrious Kaley Cuoco and Tiny Todd "Tippy Toes" Howard amongst others. Shamefully grinning while standing on his tip toes (for shame!) like the literal subhuman that he is and while being towered over by absolutely every man, woman and child in the vicinity, Tiny Todd was most likely thinking about ending it all by hanging himself from a table lamp with a string of dental floss upon returning in defeat to his hobbit-hole that night.

Manmore 1: Hey, why are there a bunch of doll shoes lying in the street over there? Manmore 2: Those are Todd Howard's high heels. The dwarfed Oompa Loompa was crossing the street with an armful of high heels when a gust of wind just blew him away. Manmore 1: Manlets BTFO. Manmore 2: Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator September 11, 2024


The high-pitched and squeaky-voiced language of the manlet. Rumored to originate either from the lowly dwarfs or from the stunted hobbits of the Shire, manletspeak can often be overheard emanating from the depths of the manlet pit in your local gym or at the mall, where gaggles of giggling sissy manlets can be detected shopping for high heels, lace panties and training bras.

Lol, look at those silly, girlish manlets squabbling over which dress to put on their new Barbie doll! I think that turbo-manlet over there is about to have a hissy fit and start a catfight! Not sure, I can't understand their manletspeak because I'm not an utterly insignificant little manlet boy.

by ManletDepreciator August 4, 2024

Manlets rise up!

An allusion to the microscopic, absurd and ill-fated folkloric fiasco known as the manlet uprising. At the same time a highly sarcastic taunt, cleverly playing on the hilarious fact that manlets, due to being afflicted with the devastating and lifelong curse of manletism, are unable to grow up and are therefore doomed to endure the comical and dwarf-like existence of a laughably stunted, utterly insignificant and Napoleon complex-afflicted prison wife manlet. Often used in conjunction with Manlets BTFO or Manlets, when will they learn? - particularly when witnessing another amusingly traumatizing humiliation deservedly suffered by a terminally insecure, inherently effeminate and preposterously petite runt of an Ewok sissy manlet boy.

Did you know that the average height of CEO's for fortune 500 companies is 6 foot and that manmores out-earn manlets by hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of their respective careers? Lol, that's awesome! Manlet rage guaranteed. Manlets rise up!

by ManletDepreciator August 25, 2024

murloc manlet

The infinitesimal murloc manlet is a dwarfed beastling of a moronic manlet boy who, after suffering through a ludicrous lifetime of well-deserved humiliations and rejections inflicted on him by society as a whole but especially women, has chosen to pursue a sub-aquatic lifestyle, only venturing onto dry land to take part in mortifying prearranged monthly manlet mating rituals in front of basketball arenas and microbiology labs. Once underwater the microscopic murloc manlet quickly adapts to his new environment by eagerly embracing his naturally menial role as a proctologist cleaner fish and feverishly feasts on the rectums and fecal matter of all of the much larger sea creatures in the vicinity. Often falling prey to seagulls, seahorses, fin rot, sunburn, aggressive mating attempts by other murloc manlets, Napoleon complex psychosis, diarrhea and to being caught and eaten alive by prowling grizzly bears and manmores who hunt by the riverbank - the life of a murloc manlet is short, just like the silly murloc manlet itself. Consequently the minuscule murloc manlet eternally resides at the very bottom of the undersea food chain, thereby ironically replicating the lamentably and laughably lowly life that the severely stunted sissy manlet sought to escape from in the first place and in doing so once again proving that height is everything. Manlets, when will they learn?

Emma: Hey, why is that frog floating face down in that puddle over there? Aubrey: Yuck! Manlet detected. It's a deceased murloc manlet. Emma: Just gross! I think he choked to death on that pellet of rabbit poop floating there next to him. Aubrey: Manlets BTFO. Truly a befitting end for a manlet. Emma: Lol, so true.

by ManletDepreciator September 1, 2024

Low IQ manlet

A mental midget and exceptionally pea-brained manlet. Known for drowning in puddles and shot glasses in addition to requiring emergency rescue after being pinned down under knocked over garden gnomes following unsuccessful mating attempts that the diminutive and deviant little manlet boy shamefully yet amusingly engaged in due to his extensive history of brutal rejections by the universality of womenfolk (as is customary for all manlets), the both mentally and physically stunted low IQ manlet is prone to manlet rage and can often be found locked in mortifying catfights with other low IQ manlets over the last magic height boosting suppository that the silly manlets bought online. Highly susceptible to manlet cope and manlet mathematics, the injudicious low IQ manlet can at times be detected as he stumbles past the manlet pit in your local gym wearing nothing but high heels poorly concealed by bell bottom leggings in a vain attempt at lifting with the manmores for once in his lamentably lowly little life.

Petite sissy manlet: I have finally overcome manletism! I measured myself and I just grew by half a foot! Formidable manmore: Lol, you're still wearing your six inch high heels, you low IQ manlet. Now spare me the hissy fit, stop crying and grow up!

by ManletDepreciator August 26, 2024


A manmore (a 6ft+ tall man) is a godlike, preeminent, honored, imposing and formidable man, a real man who majestically towers over all average height men (5ft10/11) and especially over all manlets (5ft9 and below sissy boys). Universally beloved and the object of unimaginably intense sexual obsession for all women, the magnificent manmore swiftly rises to the top in all areas of life, always stands tall and proud and lives life to the fullest as he basks in the endless adulation and adoration of not only his peers but of the universality of mankind. In short, the manmore's lofty and exaltedly blissful life rightfully and unsurprisingly represents the polar opposite of the lamentably lowly existence endured by the shockingly stunted sissy manlet. Driven to madness by manletism, burning jealousy and impotent manlet rage, the petite and effeminate runt of an Ewok sissy manlet boy can do nothing but seethingly stand small in awe of his superlatively superior supreme manmore overlord.

Inferior manlet boy: Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee do / I'm so short, what am I to do? Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dah dee / Won't you please donate some high heels to me? Masculine manmore: Manlet detected. You're in manmore territory, you silly little boy! Now cease your manletspeak and dance a merry jig for me and I'll let you keep your hot pants and your lunch money today. Chop chop!

by ManletDepreciator August 29, 2024

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meddling manlet

A quarrelsome and small-minded manlet who is prone to ineffectively inserting himself into grown-up issues and conversations in a futile attempt at feeling like a big boy for once in his dwarfish life and despite the fact that grown-up subject matter goes right over his pea-brained, little head. 1978, Maryland State Delegate and absolute manlet Isaiah Dixon who hilariously tried to legislatively ban the playing of Randy Newman's musical masterpiece Short People on the radio is a good example of this phenomenon, as well as disgraced video game producer and miserable manlet boy Tiny Todd Howard who, because of his effeminate petiteness and overpowering Napoleon complex, has childishly ruined many video games with his transparent and preposterous tall tales.

Lol, why is that squealing manlet stuck headfirst in that trashcan over there? The meddling manlet tried to stop a group of children from riding that roller coaster because he was denied entrance due to his girlish height, so the kids threw him in the trash where he belongs. The trashcan must be like an aircraft hangar to that microscopic manlet boy. Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 14, 2024